The 5th NTS-PD Security Governance Seminar (SGS) was held at room 206 of College of Public Administration on 20 Mar at 6:30PM. The topic for discussion was Human Security. Xie Guiping is the presenter and Liao Danzi gives comments. Wang Zongdong acts as the host.
Firstly, Xie Guiping introduced the evolution of ‘human security’, similarities and differences between different research schools, the priority of man or state in security, the application of ‘human security’ in practice. He also analyzed the applicability of ‘human security’ perspectives and their developmental trends. Then Liao Danzi gave comments and further explained the collision and integration of human security schools, the greatest threat to current human security, and the basic way to achieve human security, etc. She also believed that ‘human’ in the phrase ‘human security’ should include both individuals and groups, and ‘people-oriented’ in Chinese context is different from ‘human security’ in western context both in theoretical and practical aspects. Then following of this all participants exchanged their ideas about ‘human security’. Professor Yu Xiaofeng emphasized the contribution and limitation of ‘human security’ and thought that the greatest contribution of ‘human security’ included four aspects, it (1) provides a new analytical framework for breaking the traditional security perspective of state-centralism, (2) unifies conflict, security and development, (3)transcends the limitation of ‘human rights’ discourse, and (4) embraces the meaning of both individual and species security. But at the same time, the limitation of human security perspective is that it gives spaces to the existence of ‘interventionism’ in the name of ‘humanitarianism’.
Then, every participant introduced the latest developments of non-traditional security issues in major countries and regions of the world during the past week and exchanged their ideas about The Art of Loving, which was written by Fromm Erich. They discussed ‘what is love’, ‘the capacity of loving’, ‘love and security’. Professor Yu Xiaofeng gave comments respectively.
(from Wang Lingjie)